Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Benefits of Solar Panels for Homeowners

A graduate of Brigham Young University's School of Accountancy at the Marriott School of Management, Kevin D. Romney handles business development for Las Vagas-based Doctors Health Network, which helps clinics and doctors’ offices maximize insurance reimbursements and grow their referral networks. Kevin D. Romney also serves as a manager with Radiant Solar Solutions, a provider of rooftop solar systems based in Las Vegas, where he oversees the firm’s installation and maintenance operations. 

With installation costs dropping more than 73 percent since 2006, rooftop solar panels hold many potential financial benefits for homeowners. First, solar panels save homeowners between $44 and $187 per month the first year, which means the entire system can pay for itself in as little as five years. In addition to realizing monthly utility savings, homeowners with solar panels often qualify for federal and state solar tax credits. Solar panels also typically increase the value of a home by around $15,000, according to a study by the Department of Energy, and shifting reliance to the sun can protect residents from energy-cost increases determined by expensive energy providers.